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100%OFF AWS QuickSight – Full Course 2023

What you'll learn Get an overview of QuickSight and its benefits, and learn how to sign up for a QuickSight account. Learn how to connect ...

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89%OFF DevOps Deployment Automation with Terraform, AWS and Docker

What you'll learn Define Infrastructure as Code using Terraform to easily create and destroy environment Design an architecture that is ...

$9.99 AWS Lambda & Serverless Architecture Bootcamp (Build 5 Apps)

What you'll learn Master AWS Lambda, API Gateway, DynamoDB, and Step Functions from the ground up (Full of Demos and Hands On) Streamline ...

89%OFF AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner | Master AWS Fundamentals

What you'll learn Hands-on learning and demos of AWS technologies Ace the AWS Cloud Practitioner (CLF-C01) certification exam ...

FREE AWS Tutorials – VPC Peering

You will learn with hands-on tutorials how peer VPCs for the following scenarios - 1. Scenario 1 - VPC with a Single Public Subnet (without VPC wizard) ...

FREE AWS VPC Transit Gateway – Hands On Learning!

Understand the importance of Transit Gateway and problems it solve when compared to VPC peering connections, VPN Connection features Learn practically ...

FREE Serverless computing in AWS

Understand how to host a static web site using the Simple Storage service Understand how to work with DynamoDB tables Understand the basics of using ...

100%OFF AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner | Arabic | Complete

What you'll learn مقدمة الى مبدأ الحوسبة السحابية الخدمات المقدمة على الكلاود كيفية الاستفادة ونقل الخدمات القديمة الى الكلاود ...

100%OFF iDempiere on Amazon Web Services

What you'll learn Create a new Amazon Web Service account Identify and manage EC2 instance and RDS services Create and ...

FREE GitOps with Terraform, AWS, and Spacelift

Learn how to convert terraform deployments into modules learn how to deploy from github with spacelift learn how to commit your code to github ...

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