Advanced Scrum Master Certification

Advanced Scrum Master Certification Course includes 2 practice tests video content and enrolled by 4,070 students and received a 4.3 average review out of 5. Now, Course instructor offering 100%OFF on the original price of the course and its limited time offer. Enroll the course before the coupon expired Once you’re enrolled for the course, you can start it whenever and complete it at your own pace. it will never expire on your account.

To prepare for this certification, you should:

  1. Prepare Thoroughly: Study the Official Scrum Guide and the Nexus Guide thoroughly.
  2. Familiarize yourself with the Scaled Professional Scrum with Nexus Practices.
  3. Complete the assessment, ensuring you understand and can apply the concepts in practical scenarios.
  4. Submit Your Results: Send proof of your completed assessment to receive your Advanced Scrum Master Certificate from our institution.
  5. Enhance Your Credentials: Display your certification on your CV and professional profiles to showcase your expertise.

Upon successful completion, you will receive the Advanced Scrum Master Certification, recognizing your expertise in the Nexus Framework and your ability to lead multiple Scrum Teams in creating high-value products.

Support and Contact Information

For any inquiries or assistance with obtaining your certificate, please reach out to us via email at info at agileenterprisecoach dot org dot uk.

Can I download Advanced Scrum Master Certification course?

You can download videos for offline viewing in the Android/iOS app. When course instructors enable the downloading feature for lectures of the course, then it can be downloaded for offline viewing on a desktop.
Can I get a certificate after completing the course?
Yes, upon successful completion of the course, learners will get the course e-Certification from the course provider. The Advanced Scrum Master Certification course certification is a proof that you completed and passed the course. You can download it, attach it to your resume, share it through social media.
Are there any other coupons available for this course?
You can check out for more Udemy coupons @
Note: 100% OFF Udemy coupon codes are valid for maximum 3 days only. Look for "ENROLL NOW" button at the end of the post.
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