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100%OFF PHP for Beginners 2024: Build Complete Ecommerce Store

What you'll learn Learn to set up the right environment when getting started with coding Build a complete authentication system ...

90%OFF Learn Content Writing using AI & Make Money Online

What you'll learn Master the art of content creation and copywriting using AI with Copymatic. Develop advanced writing skills for creating ...

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$9.99 John Thompson – Spring Framework Course Coupons

John Thompson is a Spring Framework instructor with over 25 years of experience in the IT industry. He specializes in Java and the Spring Framework, which is a ...

$9.99 Spring Framework 5: Beginner to Guru

Spring Framework 5: Learn Spring Framework 5, Spring Boot 2, Spring MVC, Spring Data JPA, Spring Data MongoDB, Hibernate Instructed by John Thompson 57 hours ...

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$9.99 OpenAPI: Beginner to Guru

Master OpenAPI (formerly Swagger) to Create Specifications for Your APIs Instructed by John Thompson 5 hours on-demand video, 2 articles & 42 downloadable ...

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$9.99 Mastering Thymeleaf with Spring Boot

Become an expert using Thymeleaf Templates with Spring Boot Instructed by John Thompson 5 hours on-demand video, 1 article & 1 downloadable resource ...

$9.99 Hibernate and Spring Data JPA: Beginner to Guru

Master Hibernate, Remove the mystery of Spring Data JPA - Use Spring Boot 3! Instructed by John Thompson 27.5 hours on-demand video, 4 articles & 50 ...

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$9.99 Spring Framework 6: Beginner to Guru

Learn All Things Spring! Spring Framework 6, Spring Boot 3, Spring MVC, Spring Data JPA, Spring Security, Spring WebFlux Instructed by John Thompson 33 hours ...

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$9.99 Testing Spring Boot: Beginner to Guru

Become an Expert Testing Java and Spring Boot Applications using JUnit 5, Mockito, Spring Boot, and More! Instructed by John Thompson 17 hours on-demand ...

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$9.99 Apache Maven: Beginner to Guru

Master Apache Maven to Build and Deploy Your Java and Spring Boot Applications Instructed by John Thompson 17 hours on-demand video, 7 articles & 55 ...

100%OFF Mastering Python, Pandas, Numpy for Absolute Beginners

What you'll learn Basics in Python programming Control structures, Containers, Functions & Modules Application of Python in ...

100%OFF 2024 Master class on Data Science using Python A-Z for ML

What you'll learn Students will learn how to create and manipulate arrays, perform mathematical operations on arrays, and use functions such as ...

100%OFF Universidad Desarrollo Web – FrontEnd Web Developer!

El mejor curso para aprender a crear aplicaciones Web Modernas con HTML, CSS y JavaScript. Serás un FrontEnd Developer! Instructed by Ubaldo Acosta 30 hours ...

100%OFF Academia Java – De Cero a Experto Java con Ejercicios!

Aprende Java, Programación Orientada a Objetos, Conexión a Base Datos, Servlets, JSPs, JSF, PrimeFaces, Java EE y más! 73.5 hours on-demand video, 9 articles ...

100%OFF Universidad C – Aprende el Lenguaje C desde Cero!

What you'll learn Aprender a Programar en el Lenguaje C desde Cero y de una vez por todas! Aprender a aplicar la Lógica de Programación en ...

100%OFF Python en 7 Días – De Cero a Experto con Proyectos y Retos.

What you'll learn Aprender Python en sólo 7 días. Es un curso intensivo, sin embargo puedes avanzar a tu propio ritmo según el tiempo que ...

100%OFF Universidad de Lógica de Programación – Aprende 7 Lenguajes!

Aprende la Lógica de Programación con 7 Lenguajes: PSeInt, Python, Java, JavaScript, C, C++ y C# Instructed by Ubaldo Acosta 55 hours on-demand video, 1 ...

100%OFF Universidad Excel – Básico, Intermedio y Avanzado!

Master en Excel más completo. Incluye Funciones, Tablas Dinámicas, Gráficos, Power Query , Macros y más a profundidad! Instructed by Ubaldo Acosta 13.5 hours ...

100%OFF Universidad Python – De Cero a Experto Más Completo +71 hrs

De Cero a Experto en Python: PySide, Tkinter, POO, Web con Django, Flask, Jinja, SQL Alchemy, Postgresql y PyCharm! Instructed by Ubaldo Acosta 71 hours ...

100%OFF Universidad Angular – De Cero a Experto en Angular!

Domina Angular 11 y crea aplicaciones web del mundo real con TypeScript, Firebase, Firestore, JWT y más! Instructed by Ubaldo Acosta 51.5 hours on-demand ...

100%OFF JavaFx, Swing, y Spring Boot – Crea tu primera GUI con Java

What you'll learn Aprender a integrar Swing, Spring Boot y MySql con Java Aprender a integrar JavaFX, Spring Boot y MySql con Java ...

100%OFF Java en 13 Días con Aplicaciones del Mundo Real!

Aprende Java, Spring Boot, Swing, Java FX, JSPs, Thymeleaf, JSF-PrimeFaces, FullStack con Angular, React y Spring Boot! Instructed by Ubaldo Acosta 21.5 hours ...

Best Seller
100%OFF Universidad Java – De Cero a Experto – Más Completo +106 hrs

El mejor curso de Java, POO, JDBC, Servlets, JavaEE, Web Services, JSF, EJB, JPA, PrimeFaces, Hibernate, Spring, Struts! Instructed by Ubaldo Acosta 106 hours ...

100%OFF Universidad JavaScript – De Cero a Experto JavaScript!

Programación Orientada a Objetos, Funciones Flecha, Callback, Promesas, Async, Await, DOM y mucho más! Instructed by Ubaldo Acosta 36 hours on-demand video, 5 ...

100%OFF PrimeFaces y Spring Boot : Crea tu primera App Web con Java

What you'll learn Aprender a integrar PrimeFaces y Spring Boot con Java Crear tu primera aplicación Web con PrimeFaces y Spring ...

100%OFF Unity tutorial from scratch till infinity

What you'll learn Learn How a game gets created Learn C# in Unity Learn Movement Methods Learn Animation structure ...

100%OFF Clean Architecture with RxJava Hilt Jetpack [Arabic Course]

What you'll learn Implement Reactive Clean Arch Integrate with Foursquare API Integrate with Google Map Implement ...

100%OFF Aprende WPF y MAUI desde CERO usando C#

What you'll learn Bases de Windows Presentation Fundation (WPF) Dominar XAML Crear aplicaciones de escritorio con WPF Uso ...

$9.99 Fernando Herrera Cupones para cursos de desarrollo web y móvil

Looking to level up your web and mobile development skills? Fernando Herrera's highly-rated Udemy courses could be your ticket to success. Fernando Herrera is ...

100%OFF Employee CyberSecurity Awareness First Line of Defense

Free Online Courses from Udemy Free Online Courses from Coursera Skill Share Premium for Free What you'll learn Understand how to protect the ...

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