Best Duke University Online Courses From Coursera

Duke university online courses
Best Duke University Online Courses From Coursera

Here is the List of Best Duke University Online Courses from Coursera in 2024.

Duke University- Best Specialization Courses with Certification

Specialization Course NameInstructorsDurationRatingEnroll Link
Introduction to Logic and Critical Thinking SpecializationDr. Walter Sinnott-
Armstrong, Dr. Ram Neta
4 months4.7Enroll Now
Object Oriented Programming in Java SpecializationSusan H. Rodger,
Robert Duvall,
Owen Astrachan,
Andrew D. Hilton,
Mia Minnes,
Leo Porter,
Christine Alvarado
5 months4.7Enroll Now
Statistics with R SpecializationMine Çetinkaya-Rundel,
David Banks,
Colin Rundel,
Merlise A Clyde
7 months4.7Enroll Now
Excel to MySQL: Analytic Techniques for Business SpecializationDaniel Egger,
Jana Schaich Borg
7 months4.6Enroll Now
Introductory C Programming SpecializationAndrew D. Hilton,
Genevieve M.
Anne Bracy,
Liz Wendland
5 months4.6Enroll Now
Java Programming and Software Engineering Fundamentals SpecializationSusan H. Rodger,
Robert Duvall,
Owen Astrachan,
Andrew D. Hilton
5 months4.6Enroll Now
Entrepreneurial Finance: Strategy and Innovation SpecializationManuel Adelino,
David Robinson,
Manju Puri,
Cam Harvey,
David Hsieh
4 months4.5Enroll Now
Building Cloud Computing Solutions at Scale SpecializationNoah Gift4 months4Enroll Now

Duke University- Best Individual Courses.

Course NameInstructorsDurationRatingEnroll Link
Advertising and SocietyProfessor William
M. O'Barr
12 hours4.7Enroll Now
ART of the MOOC: Activism and Social MovementsNato Thompson,
Pedro Lasch
10 hours4.5Enroll Now
ART of the MOOC: Activismo y Movimientos SocialesNato Thompson, P
edro Lasch
16 hours4.6Enroll Now
ART of the MOOC: Arte Público y PedagogíaPedro Lasch,
Nato Thompson
20 hours4.6Enroll Now
Art of the MOOC: Experiments with SoundPedro Lasch,
Candice Hopkins,
Jace Clayton,
Mathias Hinke
10 hours4.8Enroll Now

ART of the MOOC: Public Art and PedagogyPedro Lasch,
Nato Thompson
9 hours4.7Enroll Now
Bayesian StatisticsMine Çetinkaya-
David Banks,
Colin Rundel,
Merlise A Clyde
35 hours3.8Enroll Now
Behavioral FinanceEmma Rasiel5 hours4.4Enroll Now
Blockchain Business ModelsCam Harvey12 hours4.7Enroll Now
Business Metrics for Data-Driven CompaniesDaniel Egger,
Jana Schaich Borg
8 hours4.6Enroll Now
Chimpanzee Behavior and ConservationEmily Boehm,
Anne Pusey,
Kara Walker
15 hours4.9Enroll Now
Civic Engagement in American DemocracyDr. Bruce W
Deondra Rose,
Kenneth Rogerson,
Nicholas Carnes,
Philip Bennett,
Tana Johnson,
Bill Adair,
Frederick W. Mayer
14 hours4.8Enroll Now
Cloud Computing FoundationsNoah Gift19 hours4Enroll Now
Cloud Data EngineeringNoah Gift17 hours4Enroll Now
Cloud Virtualization, Containers and APIsNoah Gift14 hours4Enroll Now
Copyright for Educators & LibrariansKevin Smith,
Lisa A.
Anne Gilliland
14 hours4.8Enroll Now
Copyright for MultimediaKevin Smith,
Lisa A.
Anne Gilliland
12 hours4.6Enroll Now
Data Science Math SkillsDaniel Egger,
Paul Bendich
13 hours4.5Enroll Now
Data Visualization and Communication with TableauDaniel Egger,
Jana Schaich Borg
25 hours4.7Enroll Now
Dog Emotion and CognitionBrian Hare22 hours4.7Enroll Now
Electric Industry Operations and MarketsLincoln Pratson8 hours4.8Enroll Now
English Composition IDr. Denise Comer25 hours4.5Enroll Now
Financial Risk Management with RDavid Hsieh15 hours4.5Enroll Now
Financing for Startup BusinessesManju Puri,
David Robinson
7 hours4.5Enroll Now
FinTech Law and PolicyLee Reiners11 hours4.8Enroll Now
Image and Video Processing: From Mars to Hollywood with a Stop at the HospitalGuillermo Sapiro21 hours4.7Enroll Now
Increasing Real Estate Management Profits: Harnessing Data AnalyticsDaniel Egger,
Jana Schaich Borg
23 hours4.7Enroll Now
Inferential StatisticsMine Çetinkaya-
17 hours4.8Enroll Now
Interacting with the System and Managing MemoryAndrew D. Hilton,
Genevieve M. Lipp,
Anne Bracy
23 hours4.4Enroll Now
Introduction to Chemistry: Reactions and RatiosProf. Dorian
A. Canelas
18 hours4.7Enroll Now
Introduction to Chemistry: Structures and SolutionsProf. Dorian
A. Canelas
17 hours4.6Enroll Now
Introduction to Genetics and EvolutionDr. Mohamed Noor25 hours4.8Enroll Now
Introduction to Machine LearningLawrence Carin,
David Carlson,
Timothy Dunn,
Kevin Liang
25 hours4.7Enroll Now
Introduction to Probability and Data with RMine Çetinkaya-
14 hours4.7Enroll Now
Introduction to Programming and Animation with AliceSusan H. Rodger,
Stephen Cooper
47 hours4.3Enroll Now
Introductory Human PhysiologyJennifer Carbrey,
Emma Jakoi
33 hours4.8Enroll Now
Java Programming: Arrays, Lists, and Structured DataAndrew D. Hilton,
Robert Duvall,
Owen Astrachan,
Susan H. Rodger
14 hours4.7Enroll Now
Java Programming: Build a Recommendation SystemOwen Astrachan,
Robert Duvall,
Andrew D. Hilton,
Susan H. Rodger
5 hours4.7Enroll Now
Java Programming: Principles of Software DesignOwen Astrachan,
Robert Duvall,
Andrew D. Hilton,
Susan H. Rodger
13 hours4.6Enroll Now
Java Programming: Solving Problems with SoftwareOwen Astrachan,
Robert Duvall,
Andrew D. Hilton,
Susan H. Rodger
17 hours4.6Enroll Now
Linear Regression and ModelingMine Çetinkaya-
10 hours4.7Enroll Now
Managing Big Data with MySQLDaniel Egger,
Jana Schaich Borg
32 hours4.7Enroll Now
Mastering Data Analysis in ExcelJana Schaich Borg,
Daniel Egger
21 hours4.2Enroll Now
Medical NeuroscienceLeonard E. White71 hours4.9Enroll Now
Music as Biology: What We Like to Hear and WhyDale Purves17 hours4.3Enroll Now
Nanotechnology: A Maker’s CourseNan M. Jokerst,
Carrie Donley,
James Cahoon,
Jacob Jones
26 hours4.8Enroll Now
Oil & Gas Industry Operations and MarketsLincoln Pratson8 hours4.8Enroll Now
Pointers, Arrays, and RecursionAndrew D. Hilton,
Genevieve M. Lipp,
Anne Bracy,
Liz Wendland
21 hours4.4Enroll Now
Programming Foundations with JavaScript, HTML and CSSSusan H. Rodger,
Robert Duvall,
Owen Astrachan,
Andrew D. Hilton
33 hours4.6Enroll Now
Programming FundamentalsAndrew D. Hilton,
Genevieve M. Lipp,
Anne Bracy
18 hours4.7Enroll Now
Renewable Energy and Green Building EntrepreneurshipChris Wedding18 hours4.7Enroll Now
Sports and SocietyOrin Starn12 hours4.8Enroll Now
Startup Valuation MethodsManuel Adelino,
David Robinson
6 hours4.5Enroll Now
Statistics with R CapstoneMine Çetinkaya
David Banks,
Colin Rundel,
Merlise A Clyde
6 hours4.6Enroll Now
The Brain and SpaceDr. Jennifer M. Groh10 hours4.7Enroll Now
The Challenges of Global HealthDr. David Boyd20 hours4.8Enroll Now
Think Again I: How to Understand ArgumentsDr. Walter Sinnott-
Dr. Ram Neta
25 hours4.6Enroll Now

Think Again II: How to Reason DeductivelyDr. Walter Sinnott-
Dr. Ram Neta
13 hours4.4Enroll Now
Think Again III: How to Reason InductivelyDr. Walter Sinnott-
Dr. Ram Neta
24 hours4.8Enroll Now
Think Again IV: How to Avoid FallaciesDr. Walter Sinnott-
Dr. Ram Neta
18 hours4.7Enroll Now
Tropical Parasitology: Protozoans, Worms, Vectors and Human DiseasesJohn A. Bartlett,
Franklin Mosha,
Mramba Nyindo
19 hours4.7Enroll Now
Understanding 9/11: Why 9/11 Happened & How Terrorism Affects Our World TodayDavid Schanzer13 hours4.6Enroll Now
Visual Perception and the BrainDale Purves14 hours4.7Enroll Now
Writing, Running, and Fixing Code in CAndrew D. Hilton,
Genevieve M. Lipp,
Anne Bracy
20 hours4.3Enroll Now
برمجة Java: المصفوفات، والقوائم، والبيانات المصنفةOwen Astrachan,
Robert Duvall,
Andrew D.
Hilton, Susan H.
14 hours4Enroll Now
برمجة Java: حل المشكلات باستخدام البرامجOwen Astrachan,
Robert Duvall,
Andrew D. Hilton,
Susan H. Rodger
16 hours4Enroll Now
مقاييس الأعمال للشركات التي تعتمد على البياناتDaniel Egger,
Jana Schaich Borg
8 hours4.4Enroll Now
人体生理学导论(中文版)Jennifer Carbrey,
Emma Jakoi
33 hours4.8Enroll Now

Can I download Best Duke University Online Courses From Coursera course?

You can download videos for offline viewing in the Android/iOS app. When course instructors enable the downloading feature for lectures of the course, then it can be downloaded for offline viewing on a desktop.
Can I get a certificate after completing the course?
Yes, upon successful completion of the course, learners will get the course e-Certification from the course provider. The Best Duke University Online Courses From Coursera course certification is a proof that you completed and passed the course. You can download it, attach it to your resume, share it through social media.
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