Best Yale University Online Certification Courses

Uale University online Courses
Best Yale University Online Certification Courses

In 2024, some of the best Yale University online courses available on Coursera cover a wide range of topics, from “The Science of Well-Being” to “Financial Markets” and “Introduction to Classical Music.” These courses offer high-quality education and the prestige of Yale’s academic expertise accessible to learners worldwide.

Here is the list of Best Yale University Online Courses from Coursera 2024.

Course NameInstructorsDurationRatingsEnroll Link
A Journey through Western Christianity: from Persecuted
Faith to Global Religion (200 - 1650)
Bruce Gordon46 hours4.7Enroll Now
A Law Student's ToolkitIan Ayres16 hours4.7Enroll Now
Addiction Treatment: Clinical Skills for Healthcare ProvidersJeanette M. Tetrault,
Robert Krause,
Elizabeth Roessler,
Robert Heimer,
Mary Lindsay Powell,
Shannon Drew,
Ellen Edens
14 hours4.9Enroll Now

Age of CathedralsHoward Bloch18 hours4.7Enroll Now
American Contract Law IIan Ayres33 hours4.9Enroll Now
American Contract Law IIIan Ayres39 hours4.9Enroll Now
America's Unwritten ConstitutionAkhil Reed Amar17 hours4.8Enroll Now
America's Written ConstitutionAkhil Reed Amar20 hours4.8Enroll Now
Anatomy of the Chest, Abdomen, and PelvisCharles Duncan,
William B.
Shanta Kapadia
15 hours4.8Enroll Now
Climate Adaptation for Human HealthKathryn Conlon19 hours4.5Enroll Now
Climate Change and Health:
From Science to Action Specialization
Robert Dubrow,
Kathryn Conlon,
Connie Roser-Renouf
3 months4.7Enroll Now
Communicating Climate Change and HealthConnie Roser-Renouf19 hours4.7Enroll Now
Essentials of Global HealthRichard Skolnik70 hours4.8Enroll Now
Everyday Parenting: The ABCs of Child RearingAlan E. Kazdin21 hours4.9Enroll Now
Financial MarketsRobert Shiller33 hours4.8Enroll Now
Global Quality Maternal and Newborn CareMichelle Telfer,
Joan Combellick
18 hours4.8Enroll Now
Health Behavior Change: From Evidence to ActionMarney White15 hours4.8Enroll Now
Introduction to Breast CancerAnees B. Chagpar13 hours4.9Enroll Now

Introduction to Classical MusicCraig Wright66 hours4.9Enroll Now
Introduction to Climate Change and HealthRobert Dubrow15 hours4.8Enroll Now
Introduction to Negotiation: A Strategic Playbook for
Becoming a Principled and Persuasive Negotiator
Barry Nalebuff31 hours4.9Enroll Now
Introduction to PsychologyPaul Bloom15 hours4.9Enroll Now
Journey Conversations: Weaving Knowledge and ActionJohn Grim,
Mary Evelyn Tucker
40 hours4.8Enroll Now
Journey of the Universe: A Story for Our Times SpecializationJohn Grim,
Mary Evelyn Tucker
5 months4.7Enroll Now
Journey of the Universe: The Unfolding of LifeJohn Grim,
Mary Evelyn Tucker
24 hours4.7Enroll Now
Managing Emotions in Times of Uncertainty & StressMarc Brackett10 hours4.8Enroll Now
Marchés financiersRobert Shiller33 hours4Enroll Now

Mercados financeirosRobert Shiller33 hours4Enroll Now
Mercados financierosRobert Shiller33 hours5Enroll Now
Moral Foundations of PoliticsIan Shapiro45 hours4.9Enroll Now
Moralities of Everyday LifePaul Bloom24 hours4.8Enroll Now
Music and Social ActionSebastian Ruth26 hours4.7Enroll Now
Roman ArchitectureDiana E.E.
40 hours4.9Enroll Now
The Global Financial CrisisAndrew Metrick,
Timothy Geithner
64 hours4.8Enroll Now
The Science of Well-BeingLaurie Santos19 hours4.9Enroll Now
The Worldview of Thomas Berry:
The Flourishing of the Earth Community
John Grim,
Mary Evelyn Tucker
25 hours4.7Enroll Now
Thomas Berry的世界观:地球社区的繁荣
(The Worldview of Thomas Berry: The Flourishing of the Earth Community)
Mary Evelyn Tucker,
John Grim
24 hours4Enroll Now
Understanding Medical Research: You
r Facebook Friend is Wrong
F. Perry Wilson17 hours4.9Enroll Now
Финансовые рынкиRobert Shiller33 hours4Enroll Now
الأسواق الماليةRobert Shiller33 hours4Enroll Now
مقدمة عن التفاوض: دليل استراتيجي لتصبح مُفاوضًا ذا مبادئ ومُقنعًاBarry Nalebuff24 hours4.7Enroll Now
宇宙之旅:对话 (Journey of the Universe:
Weaving Knowledge and Action)
Mary Evelyn Tucker,
John Grim
39 hours4Enroll Now
宇宙之旅:展现生命 (Journey of the Universe:
The Unfolding of Life)
Mary Evelyn Tucker,
John Grim
24 hours4Enroll Now

Can I download Best Yale University Online Certification Courses course?

You can download videos for offline viewing in the Android/iOS app. When course instructors enable the downloading feature for lectures of the course, then it can be downloaded for offline viewing on a desktop.
Can I get a certificate after completing the course?
Yes, upon successful completion of the course, learners will get the course e-Certification from the course provider. The Best Yale University Online Certification Courses course certification is a proof that you completed and passed the course. You can download it, attach it to your resume, share it through social media.
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