Linux Crash Course for Beginners

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Instructed by Imran Afzal

What you’ll learn

  • Linux basic system administration
  • Efficient in basic Linux command line
  • A very well understanding of how Linux works 

Saturday – Basic Linux 

  • Understanding of Linux?
  • What is Oracle Virtual Box?
  • Oracle Virtual Box Installation
  • Creating virtual machine
  • Linux Distributions
  • Linux Installation
  • Download and install Putty
  • Connect Linux VM via Putty
  • Changing Password
  • Introduction to File System
  • File system structure description
  • File system navigation commands
  • Directory listing overview
  • Creating Files and Directories
  • File Permissions (chmod)
  • File Ownership (chown, chgrp)
  • Getting Help (man, whatis etc.)
  • Adding text to file
  • Pipes ( | )
  • Quiz, Homework and Handouts

Sunday – Advance Linux 

  • File Maintenance Commands
  • File Display Commands
  • Filters / Text Processing Commands (cut, sort, grep, awk, uniq, wc)
  • Finding System Information (uname, cat /etc/redhat-release, cat /etc/*rel*, dmidecode)
  • Linux File Editors (vi text editor)
  • User account management
  • Switch users and Sudo access
  • System utility commands (date, uptime, hostname, which, cal, bc etc.)
  • Processes and schedules (systemctl, ps, top, kill, crontab and at)
  • OS Maintenance Commands (shutdown, reboot, halt, init etc.)
  • System Monitoring Commands (top, df, dmesg, iostat 1, netstat, free etc.)
  • Shell scripting
  • Basic Shell scripts
  • Aliases
  • Command history
  • Enabling Internet in Linux VM
  • Network Files and Commands (ping, ifconfig, netstat, tcpdump, networking config files)
  • System Updates and Repositories (rpm and yum)
  • System Run Levels
  • Quiz, Homework and Handouts

Who this course is for:

  • Anyone who has very limited time to learn Linux
  • Anyone who wants the fastest and efficient way to learn Linux
  • Anyone who is already in IT and wants to add a new skill
  • Network, Storage, Database or Software engineers, developers, IT Helpdesk technicians
  • Someone with no patience to spend end less hours learning a new skill
  • Anyone who wants to level up his or her career

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