Master calculus 1 using Python: derivatives and applications
Develop a deep understanding and intuition for calculus. Solve problems and implement algorithms by hand and in Python.
A deep understanding of deep learning (with Python intro)
Master deep learning in PyTorch using an experimental scientific approach, with lots of examples and practice problems.
Master Math by Coding in Python
Use Python to learn algebra, calculus, graphing, trigonometry and more math topics!
Complete linear algebra: theory and implementation in code
Learn concepts in linear algebra and matrix analysis, and implement them in MATLAB and Python.
Master statistics & machine learning: intuition, math, code
A rigorous and engaging deep-dive into statistics and machine-learning, with hands-on applications in Python and MATLAB.
Master MATLAB through Guided Problem Solving
Become an expert in MATLAB Programming and Scientific Computing. Advance your career in Engineering Physics Biology etc
Master Python programming by solving scientific projects
Learn practical coding in Python from a warm-blooded scientist. Each video includes hands-on solved practice problems!
Signal processing problems, solved in MATLAB and in Python
Applications-oriented instruction on signal processing and digital signal processing (DSP) using MATLAB and Python codes
Complete neural signal processing and analysis: Zero to hero
Learn signal processing and statistics using brain electrical data with expert instruction and code challenges in MATLAB
Master the Fourier transform and its applications
Learn the Fourier transform in MATLAB and Python, and its applications in digital signal processing and image processing
How to tell a story with data
Learn how to pique and keep your audience’s attention so they will understand and remember your data presentation.
PCA & multivariate signal processing, applied to neural data
Learn and apply cutting-edge data analysis techniques for “big neurodata” (theory and MATLAB/Python code)
Improving data quality in data analytics & machine learning
Learn why, when, and how to maximize the quality of your data to optimize data-based decisions
MATLAB onramp: Learn scientific coding with ChatGPT’s help
Learn the key MATLAB programming skills that separate experts from novices: debugging, functions, and visualization
Master writing by writing mindfully
Tips from mindfulness and mind wandering to improve your writing style, habits, and attitude. Become a mindful writer.
Learn image processing and GUIs while having fun in MATLAB
Improve your digital image processing and image processing programming skills in MATLAB. And have fun in the process!
Generate and visualize data in Python and MATLAB
Learn how to simulate and visualize data for data science, statistics, and machine learning in MATLAB and Python
Harness ChatGPT for data science mastery
Boost your data science skills with ChatGPT
Unleash your math potential with ChatGPT
Harness the power of advanced AI to understand the precision and logic of mathematics
ChatGPT for academic and scientific writing mastery
Leverage AI for precision writing, enhanced communication, and accelerated academic performance