Testing Spring Boot App with JUnit, Mockito & Testcontainers

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Write Unit tests and Integration tests for Spring Boot App and Spring WebFlux App using JUnit, Mockito & Testcontainers
Instructed by Ramesh Fadatare 11 hours on-demand video, 15 articles & 18 downloadable resources

What you’ll learn?

  • Learn to write industry-standard Unit and Integration tests in BDD (Behaviour Driven Development) style using Spring Boot Starter Test dependency from scratch
  • Learn how to use BDD (Behaviour Driven Development) format that is given/when/then to write Unit tests.
  • Learn to Unit test the Spring boot application Repository layer
  • Learn to Unit test the Spring boot application Service layer
  • Learn to Unit test the Spring boot application Controller layer
  • Learn how to do Integration testing for the Spring boot application.
  • Learn how to do Integration testing using Testcontainers // very important
  • You will learn to use the most important Unit Testing ANNOTATIONS – @SpringBootTest@WebMvcTest@DataJpaTest, and @MockBean
  • Use ALL the FRAMEWORKS in Spring Boot Starter Test – JUnit, Spring Test, Spring Boot Test, AssertJ, Hamcrest, Mockito, JSONassert, and JsonPath.
  • You will learn to write Unit tests using Mocks and Stubs created with Mockito
  • Learn how to use Mockito annotations to create mock objects.
  • Learn to Write Integration Tests using a MySQL database.
  • You will learn to Write INDEPENDENT Integration tests for RESTFUL web services by talking with MULTIPLE LAYERS – controller, service, and repository layers.
  • Learn Building Reactive CRUD REST APIs using Spring WebFlux
  • Learn Unit Testing Reactive CRUD REST APIs
  • Learn Integration Testing Reactive CRUD REST APIs

Tools and Technologies used in this course:

Technologies and Libraries:

  1. Java 11+
  2. Spring Boot
  3. Spring MVC
  4. Spring Data JPA ( Hibernate)
  5. JUnit 5 Framework
  6. Mockito 4 (Latest)
  7. Hamcrest framework
  8. AssertJ Library
  9. JsonPath Library
  10. Spring WebFlux
  11. MongoDB


  • IntelliJ IDEA


  • H2 In-memory database ( for repository layer testing)
  • MySQL database ( for Integration testing)
  • MongoDB database (for Integration testing)

Who this course is for:

  • This is course is for beginners as well as professional to teach how to write Unit and Integration tests for Spring boot application

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