What you’ll learn
understand recursion and stack memory
understand backtracking
understand dynamic programming
understand the fundamental data structures
understand arrays and linked lists
understand stacks and queues abstract data types
understand tree data structures (binary search trees and heaps)
understand hashing and hash-based data structures such as hash tables
understand graph algorithms
understand breadth-first search and depth-first search
understand shortest path problem (Dijkstra’s and Bellman-Ford algorithm)
understand substring search algorithms (Rabin-Karp, Knuth-Morris-Pratt and Z algorithms)
understand sorting algorithms
Who this course is for:
- Intermediate C++ developers curious about algorithms and data structures
Course Created by Holczer Balazs & Offered by Udemy
Can I download Algorithms (Data Structures) Bootcamp in C++ course?
You can download videos for offline viewing in the Android/iOS app. When course instructors enable the downloading feature for lectures of the course, then it can be downloaded for offline viewing on a desktop.Can I get a certificate after completing the course?
Yes, upon successful completion of the course, learners will get the course e-Certification from the course provider. The Algorithms (Data Structures) Bootcamp in C++ course certification is a proof that you completed and passed the course. You can download it, attach it to your resume, share it through social media.Are there any other coupons available for this course?
You can check out for more Udemy coupons @ www.coursecouponclub.comDisclosure: This post may contain affiliate links and we may get small commission if you make a purchase. Read more about Affiliate disclosure here.