$12.99 Appium -Mobile Testing (Android/IOS) from Scratch+Frameworks

Master on Mobile Apps Automation Testing from basics to Framework CI/CD with real time examples Instructed by Rahul Shetty 25.5 hours on-demand video, 13 ...

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$12.99 Appium -Mobile Testing (Android/IOS) from Scratch+Frameworks

Master on Mobile Apps Automation Testing from basics to Framework CI/CD with real time examples Instructed by Rahul Shetty 25.5 hours on-demand video, 13 ...

FREE Appium – Selenium for Mobile Automation Testing

You will know how to write test scripts using Appium You will know how to identify identify various mobile elements using Appium Yow will know ...

100%OFF Appium Mobile Testing Complete Guide

What you'll learn understand how to execute Appium testing and doing a test case for every Native Android App. Learn Appium Basics, Execute ...

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94%OFF Appium – Mobile Testing with Latest 1.17 and Live Projects

What you'll learn By the end of the course you will be as much trained to automate any mobile based Native, Hybrid & Web application using ...

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