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$12.99 Learn JIRA with real-world examples (+Confluence bonus)

What you'll learn Understand what JIRA is, benefits of JIRA and how to use JIRA Understand Scrum - the stakeholders, events and overall ...

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$12.99 MasterClass Software Testing with Jira & Agile -Be a QA Lead

2023 BEST job oriented Software Manual Testing course on real time Project+Interview ques+Resume Prep+ Lifetime Support Instructed by Rahul Shetty 25.5 ...

100%OFF 〜Jiraの基礎〜初心者用のJiraガイド

What you'll learn JiraアカウントとJiraプロジェクトの作成 Jiraでの課題の作成と編集 スクラムボードとカンバンボードの作成と設定方法 Jiraでのスプリントの回し方 ...

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90%OFF Software Testing Made Easy for Beginners (Project,Jira,API )

What you'll learn Manual Testing Concepts from Basics Live Project for Manual Testing Practice Test Plan, Test Scenario, Test ...

100%OFF 〜Jiraの基礎〜初心者用のJiraガイド

What you'll learn JiraアカウントとJiraプロジェクトの作成 Jiraの課題の作成と編集 ScrumボードとKanbanボードの作成と設定方法 Jiraでスプリントの回し方 ...

100%OFF Personalizando Jira Software

What you'll learn Adaptar Jira a las particularidades de tu proyecto Crear tipos de tareas personalizados Generar flujos de ...

100%OFF Jira Advanced | Managing and administrating Jira like a pro

What you'll learn Set up and administrate Jira for large organizations Fully customize Jira to meet the organization and teams' needs ...

100%OFF Learn Jira using Agile (+Confluence/Basecamp Bonus)-2021

Best Jira Courses on Udemy Best Software Testing Courses on Udemy Best Software Testing Courses on Coursera Best Software Testing Courses on Udacity ...

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92%OFF Project Planning with Advanced Roadmaps for Jira

What you'll learn Be able to create a quick plan with existing JIRA data Be able to create realistic roadmaps with realistic dates ...

100%OFF Introducción a Jira para gestión de proyectos con Kanban

What you'll learn Principios básicos de la metodología ágil Kanban. Conocer los conceptos principales de gestión de proyectos con ...

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