Bharath Thippireddy Courses

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Bharath Thippireddy, is Oracle Certified Developer, Web Component Developer and Online Instructor at Udemy. He has 35+ Courses which currently have 500K+ Learners, these courses are related to Full Stack Development using Java, Python, JavaScript and DevOps, AWS, Docker, Kubernetes. Most of his courses are marked as Bestselling Udemy Courses. Check out the latest Udemy courses coupons from Bharath Thippireddy. By using bellow coupon code you will get the any course at $9.99 / ₹389 depending on your country price may vary.

Udemy Course Name Discription Duration Rating Students Coupon Link
Helm Kubernetes Packaging Manager for Developers and DevOps Package Install and Upgrade Kubernetes Applications in easy steps 6 hrs 4.5 8886 Get Coupon
Core Java Made Easy (Covers the latest Java 17) Master java in quick and simple steps 28 hrs 4.4 60609 Get Coupon
Gradle for java developers Master the fundamentals of gradle in easy steps 5 hrs 4.6 7745 Get Coupon
Java Web Services Learn how to design,create , consume and secure SOAP and REST web services from scratch in easy steps. 16 hrs 4.6 42370 Get Coupon
Maven Crash Course Create a multi module maven java web applicaiton project in easy steps 7 hrs 4.6 63944 Get Coupon
XML and XML Schema Definition in Easy Steps Learn,Design and Practice XML and XML Schema creation from scratch in simple steps. 5 hrs 4.5 15134 Get Coupon
Spring Framework In Easy Steps Create an End to End Java EE Web Application using Spring 13 hrs 4.5 36449 Get Coupon
Spring Boot Fundamentals Learn Spring boot in simple steps 10 hrs 4.4 23273 Get Coupon
Java Interview Help Quickly review java, spring boot, micro services, rest, devops and cloud for java interviews 7 hrs 4.5 7906 Get Coupon
Devops Tools and AWS for Java Microservice Developers Master Docker , Kubernetes, Maven, Jenkins ,GIT , AWS EC2 ,Elastic Beanstalk,ELB,Auto Scaling and more in easy steps 21 hrs 4.7 11112 Get Coupon
Java Message Service – JMS Fundamentals Master the fundamentals of Java Messaging in Simple Steps 6 hrs 4.5 9431 Get Coupon
Java Design Patterns Master the popular Core and Java EE Design Patterns in easy steps 6 hrs 4.4 12008 Get Coupon
JDBC Servlets and JSP – Java Web Development Fundamentals Create Java Web Applications from scratch in easy steps 9 hrs 4.5 15113 Get Coupon
Spring Data JPA Using Hibernate Learn and use the most popular ORM Frameworks in easy steps 13 hrs 4.6 12321 Get Coupon
Spring Security Fundamentals (OAuth ,JWT,CSRF and more) Secure you REST APIs and Web Applications in easy steps 8 hrs 4.4 7476 Get Coupon
Project Development Using Spring Boot Master everything required to create a Enterprise Java Application from scratch 15 hrs 4.6 14057 Get Coupon
Java Web Services Part 2 – SOAP and REST Security Master advanced web services concepts and implement them in easy steps 5 hrs 4.6 8860 Get Coupon
Django Rest Framework Create REST APIs using Python and Django in simple steps 7 hrs 4.5 3360 Get Coupon
XSLT XPATH and XQuery Fundamentals Learn and use XSL and XPATH in easy steps 3 hrs 4.5 6082 Get Coupon
JUnit and Mockito Crash Course Learn how to use JUnit and Mockito and Unit Test in easy steps. 6 hrs 4.3 18198 Get Coupon
Serverless using AWS Lambda for Java Developers Create Build and Deploy Serverless Applications with AWS Lambdas 7 hrs 4.6 3827 Get Coupon
Serverless using AWS Lambda for Python Developers Create Build and Deploy Serverless Applications with AWS Lambdas 6 hrs 4.5 2805 Get Coupon
REST APIs using Spring Data REST Build an end to end REST API Project in easy steps 5 hrs 4.7 8363 Get Coupon
Kafka fundamentals for java developers Learn the key concepts and work hands to master Kafka in easy steps 5 hrs 4.6 2831 Get Coupon
Spring Cloud Fundamentals Learn Spring Cloud components and use them for your micro services in easy steps 4 hrs 4.6 4394 Get Coupon
Django for Python Developers Master Django and Create Python Web Applications in Simple Steps 11 hrs 4.5 2905 Get Coupon
TYPESCRIPT FOR BEGINNERS Master and use TypeScript Syntax in easy steps for Angular Developers 6 hrs 4.7 1945 Get Coupon
React in easy steps with Node and Java Backend Master React and Create a Single Page App from scratch 9 hrs 4.4 2656 Get Coupon
Docker for Python Django Developers Master the fundamentals of Docker and Containerize your Django Applications in easy steps 5 hrs 4.5 437 Get Coupon
Angular Crash Course with Node and Java Backend Master Angular Fundamentals and create a project in easy steps 9 hrs 4.5 2229 Get Coupon
NodeJS made easy for MEAN or MERN Stack Master Node fundamentals for MEARN stack development 7 hrs 4.7 272 Get Coupon
Java Logical Programs and Data Structures For Beginners Improve logic and over come the fear of programming 8 hrs 4.4 494 Get Coupon
Python for beginners Master the fundamentals of Python while working on various usecases in easy steps 14 hrs 4.5 228990 Get Coupon
Python Logical Programs and Data Structures for beginners Improve logic and over come the fear of programming 5 hrs 4.5 100 Get Coupon


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