100%OFF Mastering Xamarin: Guide to Cross-Platform App Development

What you'll learn Learn a great deal about reducing the amount of code while working in a cross-platform for building applications for mobile ...

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89%OFF Développeur d’Applications Mobiles | Formation Complète 2023

Best Mobile App Development Courses on Udemy What you'll learn Apprendre la programmation en partant de zéro Devenir développeur ...

100%OFF Xamarin: Build Native Cross Platform Apps with C# Codes

After completing the course, you will… Installing Visual Studio and Xamarin libraries Creating a custom Emulator Running project on the Emulator ...

100%OFF Sıfırdan Xamarin ile Aynı Anda Android İOS Uygulama Gelştrm

What you'll learn İOS uygulama geliştirmek için temel oluşturacaksınız Android uygulama geliştirmek için temel oluşturacaksınız ...

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94%OFF Xamarin Forms: Erstelle Native Cross Plattform Apps mit C#

What you'll learn Native Mobile Apps für Android, iOS und Windows mit C# erstellen User Interfaces mit XAML und Code entwickeln ...

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