Java and JDBC Mastery: Building Dynamic Web Applications

Java and JDBC Mastery: Building Dynamic Web Applications Course includes 26 hrs video content and enrolled by 11,408 students and received a 4.7 average review out of 5. Now, Course instructor offering 100%OFF on the original price of the course and its limited time offer. Enroll the course before the coupon expired Once you’re enrolled for the course, you can start it whenever and complete it at your own pace. it will never expire on your account.

Section 1: Introduction to Java and JDBC

This section provides a foundational understanding of Java programming and JDBC (Java Database Connectivity). Students begin by creating sample web and Windows applications using Java, gaining hands-on experience in application development. They delve into file handling operations in Java and learn to perform simple calculations, setting the stage for more complex tasks.

Section 2: JDBC Statements and Result Sets

In this section, students dive deeper into JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) to interact with databases effectively. They explore JDBC APIs, including the DriverManager class and Connection interface, to establish connections with databases. Through lectures and practical examples, they master the creation of JDBC statements, prepared statements, and callable statements. Additionally, students learn to handle result sets and execute database queries efficiently.

Section 3: Advanced JDBC Concepts

Building upon their foundational knowledge, students explore advanced JDBC concepts to enhance their database interaction skills. They delve into topics such as storing and reading BLOB (Binary Large Object) and CLOB (Character Large Object) values, working with array data types, and implementing batch updates. Students also gain insights into handling XML data types, managing transactions, and utilizing wrapper interfaces for error handling.

Section 4: Working with Java Servlet

This section focuses on Java Servlets, which are server-side components used to extend the functionality of web servers. Students learn about the Servlet API, servlet life cycle, and various methods for handling client requests. They gain hands-on experience in creating servlet applications and deploying them on Tomcat servers. Topics include servlet initialization parameters, request dispatching, session tracking, and cookie management.

Section 5: Communicating with Applet

In this section, students explore techniques for communicating between Java applets and servlets, facilitating dynamic web content delivery. They learn about filters in Java, servlet context listeners, and HTTP session management. Through practical examples, students discover different types of inter-servlet communication mechanisms and gain proficiency in implementing them effectively.

Section 6: Servlet and JSP

This section introduces JavaServer Pages (JSP), a technology used for creating dynamic web content. Students learn about JSP life cycle, scripting tags, implicit objects, and directive tags. They explore advanced JSP concepts, including JavaBeans, custom tags, EL expressions, and internationalization. By the end of this section, students can develop robust web applications using servlets and JSP.

Section 7: Advanced JSP Concepts

In this section, students delve into advanced JavaServer Pages (JSP) concepts to further enhance their web development skills. They explore topics such as JavaBeans, which facilitate the separation of presentation and business logic, and learn how to declare and use beans within JSP pages. Additionally, students gain proficiency in creating custom tags, leveraging the JSP Tag Library (JSTL) for common tasks, and implementing conditional and looping constructs within JSP pages. Through hands-on examples and exercises, students solidify their understanding of JSP fundamentals and advanced techniques.

Section 8: Implementing Internationalisation using Java

This section focuses on implementing internationalization (i18n) in Java web applications, allowing them to support multiple languages and locales. Students learn about the Locale and ResourceBundle classes, which enable developers to manage localized resources effectively. They explore techniques for internationalizing web applications, including the use of general-purpose tags, conditional and looping tag examples, and formatting tags for numbers, dates, and time zones. By the end of this section, students are equipped with the knowledge and skills to develop Java applications that cater to diverse linguistic and cultural preferences.

Section 9: Java EE Implementation

The final section of the course introduces students to Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE) design patterns and best practices for building robust and scalable web applications. Students learn about various design patterns commonly used in Java EE development, including authorization and authentication patterns for securing web applications. Through practical examples and case studies, students gain insights into implementing authentication mechanisms, managing user sessions, and ensuring the security of web applications against common vulnerabilities. By mastering Java EE implementation concepts, students are prepared to develop enterprise-grade web applications that meet industry standards and requirements.

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Who this course is for:

  • Beginners who want to learn Java programming from scratch.
  • Individuals aspiring to become Java developers or web developers.
  • Students pursuing computer science or related fields seeking to strengthen their Java skills.
  • Professionals looking to expand their knowledge in Java and JDBC for backend development.
  • Those interested in building dynamic web applications using Java Servlets and JSPs.
  • Programmers aiming to enhance their understanding of advanced Java concepts like JDBC, JSPs, and Java EE implementation.

Can I download Java and JDBC Mastery: Building Dynamic Web Applications course?

You can download videos for offline viewing in the Android/iOS app. When course instructors enable the downloading feature for lectures of the course, then it can be downloaded for offline viewing on a desktop.
Can I get a certificate after completing the course?
Yes, upon successful completion of the course, learners will get the course e-Certification from the course provider. The Java and JDBC Mastery: Building Dynamic Web Applications course certification is a proof that you completed and passed the course. You can download it, attach it to your resume, share it through social media.
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