Lawrence M. Miller

Lawrence M. Miller is the author of ten previous books on management and leadership. He has been implementing lean culture and management for the past 30 years.

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89%OFF Team Leadership & Team Building 2023 Master Class

What you'll learn This course now includes two complete books, more than forty downloadable articles, assignments and self-assessments; in addition ...

$9.99 Business Strategy Execution: Agile Organization Design

What you'll learn To create a process of agile action to achieve strategic business goals. To align the internal technical systems (work ...

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What you'll learn You will lead online or virtual meetings that engage and respect all team members. You will facilitate your team in a ...

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What you'll learn You will be able to use a structured model for giving feedback in a positive and helpful way. You will assure behavior ...

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What you'll learn 1. To gain an understanding of the essential skills and behavior of effective team leaders. 2. To practice those ...

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What you'll learn How to sell consulting and other high value services in the spirit of service How to Sustain a Lasting Professional ...

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What you'll learn It is about leadership - you will know how to lead a change process in your organization. How to implement continuous ...

What you'll learn To create the goal, the aspiration, the energy that will propel you toward true wealth. To understand the five circles of ...

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What you'll learn Motivate your employees and create high engagement and empowerment. Provide specific job training for your team members.. ...

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