[NEW] Spring Boot 3, Spring 6 & Hibernate for Beginners

Coupon Verified on November 18th, 2024

Course Name : [NEW] Spring Boot 3, Spring 6 & Hibernate for Beginners
Students : 406,583
Duration : 33.5 hours & 8 downloadable resources
Avg Rating : 4.6 (85,815 ratings)
Original Price : $119.99
Discount Price : $14
Instructor / Provider : Chad Darby, Udemy
Course Type : Self Paced Online Course. Lifetime Access
Coupon : Click on ENROLL NOW to apply discount code

What You’ll Learn:

Spring Boot

  • What is Spring Boot?
  • Setting up a project with Spring Boot Initializr
  • Building REST API Controllers in Spring Boot
  • Understanding Spring Boot project structure
  • Using Spring Boot starters to streamline dependencies
  • Configuring Spring Boot Dev Tools for automatic restarts
  • Enhancing projects with Spring Boot Actuator for DevOps functionality
  • Securing Actuator endpoints
  • Running Spring Boot apps from the command line
  • Using Maven plugin to package and run Spring Boot apps
  • Injecting custom properties into Spring Boot REST Controllers


  • Simplifying build processes with Maven
  • Creating Maven POM files and adding dependencies
  • Running Maven builds from the IDE
  • Using Maven for real-time projects in Spring Boot MVC, Security, REST APIs, and Hibernate/JPA

Spring Core

  • Building a complete Spring MVC and Hibernate/JPA CRUD project from scratch
  • Setting up Spring Boot and Hibernate/JPA
  • Understanding Inversion of Control (IoC) and Dependency Injection
  • Defining Spring Beans with the @Component annotation
  • Auto-scanning Spring beans for minimal configuration
  • Wiring beans together using @Autowired
Discount Price : 92%OFF       Rating :
Duration: :
Instructor / Provider :

Spring REST APIs

  • Understanding REST APIs and Spring Boot’s support
  • Sending and receiving JSON data via HTTP using Jackson
  • Creating Spring Boot REST APIs with @RestController
  • Setting up a Spring Boot REST project with Maven
  • Handling exceptions in REST APIs with @ExceptionHandler and @ControllerAdvice
  • Using ResponseEntity for custom HTTP responses
  • Building REST APIs for CRUD actions with Hibernate/JPA
  • Testing REST APIs with Postman

Spring Boot and Spring Data JPA

  • Minimizing boilerplate code using Spring Data JPA
  • Refactoring REST APIs with Spring Data JPA
  • Leveraging the Java Optional pattern with JpaRepository
  • Testing JPA repositories with Postman

Spring Boot and Spring Data REST

  • Accelerating development with Spring Data REST
  • Exposing REST endpoints automatically from JPA Repositories
  • Implementing pagination and sorting for REST APIs
  • Customizing REST base paths and adding HATEOAS support
  • Testing Spring Data REST with Postman
Discount Price : $12       Rating : 4.6
Duration: : 25.5 hrs
Instructor / Provider :

Spring Security

  • Securing REST APIs and web apps with Spring Security
  • Setting up Spring Security in the Maven pom.xml
  • Creating custom login pages with Bootstrap CSS
  • Adding logout support and Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) protection
  • Managing user authentication, roles, and permissions
  • Storing encrypted passwords with bcrypt
  • Implementing database-driven authentication
  • Building a real-time project with Spring Security for authorization and encryption

Spring MVC

  • Setting up Spring Boot MVC configurations
  • Creating controllers with @Controller annotation
  • Reading form data with @RequestParam
  • Binding form data with Spring MVC model
  • Handling GET and POST requests
  • Using Thymeleaf to render views and integrate with the Spring model
  • Adding CSS stylesheets to Thymeleaf templates

Spring MVC Validation

  • Implementing validation in Spring MVC forms
  • Applying validation rules such as required fields and ranges
  • Developing custom validation annotations
  • Configuring error messages and handling user input validation

Spring Boot and Thymeleaf

  • Integrating Thymeleaf templates in Spring Boot projects
  • Setting up a Spring Boot project with Thymeleaf using Spring Initializr
  • Developing MVC controllers and rendering views with Thymeleaf
Discount Price : 92%OFF       Rating :
Duration: :
Instructor / Provider :

Spring Boot, Thymeleaf, and Database CRUD

  • Creating real-time projects with Thymeleaf and Spring Boot
  • Performing CRUD operations with Spring Data JPA
  • Building controllers and rendering results with Thymeleaf
  • Styling templates with Bootstrap CSS

AOP: Aspect-Oriented Programming

  • Setting up AOP in Spring Boot projects
  • Applying AOP concepts such as aspects, advices, and pointcuts
  • Logging method execution with @Before advice
  • Defining pointcut expressions for different methods and parameters
  • Using @AfterReturning, @AfterThrowing, and @Around advices to process method calls
  • Integrating AOP with a Spring MVC CRUD application

By the end of this course, you’ll have hands-on experience with building, securing, and deploying real-world Spring Boot applications!

Deal Score-20
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