Course Name : Complete Responsive Web Development: 4 courses in 1
Students : 263,389
Duration : 6 hrs
Avg Rating : 4.3
Original Price : $119.99
Discouont Price : 100%OFF
Instructor / Provider : Creative Online School, Udemy
Course Type : Self Paced Online Course. Lifetime Access
What you’ll learn
Will be able to create responsive and user friendly web pages
Will be proficient on HTML5
Will be proficient on CSS3
Will be able to show as expert on HTML5 and CSS3 on their resume
You will master yourself in Bootstrap
You will master yourself in jQuery
Discount Price : $12
Rating :
Duration: : 61 hrs
Instructor / Provider :
Angela Yu, Udemy
Who this course is for:
- Who wanna learn Responsive Web Development
- Who wanna learn HTML5
- Who wanna learn CSS3
Discount Price : $12
Rating :
4.7 (276,723 ratings)
Duration: : 73.5 hours & 133 downloadable resources
Instructor / Provider :
Colt Steele, Udemy
Are there any limitations to access Complete Responsive Web Development: 4 courses in 1 coupon Code?
Yes, coupon codes usually have an expiration date. Most of the Udemy discount coupon valid for the first 1000 enrollments or valid for 30 days, whichever comes first. After that Coupon will expires.
How to apply Udemy coupon codes?
Applying the Udemy coupon code is super simple. At end of this post, you will find the “ENROLL NOW” Button, Click on it You will be instantly redirected to a specific course to which the discount is applied and will be able to enjoy significant savings.
What types of Downloadable resources are included in the course?
Complete Responsive Web Development: 4 courses in 1 course includes a variety of resources, such as:
Video lectures
Coding exercises and quizzes
Downloadable code files and project templates
PDF guides and notes
Can I get a refund for Complete Responsive Web Development: 4 courses in 1 course, If I purchased with a coupon?
Yes, Udemy offers a 30-day money-back guarantee for all courses purchased on the website, even if you used a coupon to purchase the course.
Can I get a certificate after completing the course?
Yes, Udemy provides certificates of completion for courses that you have successfully finished. Once you complete all the requirements of a course, such as watching all the video lectures and completing any quizzes or assignments, you should be eligible to receive a certificate.
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