Artificial Intelligence
100%oFF Generative AI (English Version): Unleashing Next-Gen AI

What you'll learn Generative AI definition, areas of applications, mappings like txt2txt, img2txt, txt2img and txt2voice How ChatGPT works, ...

$9.99 LangChain Guide: Next-Gen ChatGPT & LLMs apps with LangChain

What you'll learn Foundations of Language Models Generative AI Tool-box of Language Models (LLM) and NLP Open-source ...

100%OFF The Future of App Development: Text to App AI Generation

What you'll learn Learning the basic fundamentals of AI text to app generator, getting to know its use cases, as well as its capabilities and ...

100%OFF AI in Translation: How to use AI in Freelance Translation

What you'll learn The fact that you don't need expensive gadgets to become a Translator Learn automatic Translation techniques ...

Best Seller
1,600円 AIのための数学講座:少しづつ丁寧に学ぶ人工知能向けの線形代数/確率・統計/微分

AIの学習を始めるために必要な数学を1つの講座にまとめました。プログラミング言語Pythonを用いて、式の意味を確認しながら少しずつ丁寧に学びます。人工知能に必要な数学を、着実に学んでいきましょう。 Instructed by 我妻 幸長 Yukinaga Azuma 5.5 hours on-demand ...

Here are some highly regarded Artificial Intelligence (AI) online courses available on Udemy: "Artificial Intelligence A-Z™ 2023: Build an AI with ...

90%OFF Modern Artificial Intelligence Masterclass: Build 6 Projects

What you'll learn Deploy Emotion AI-based model using Tensorflow 2.0 Serving and use the model to make inference. Understand the ...

FREE はじめての AI

AI にまつわるキーワードを正しく理解する。 AI の活用事例を知る。 機械学習、ニューラルネットワーク、ディープラーニングの仕組みを理解する。 AI がどのようなことに活用できそうかを考える。 AI を自分でも活用したいと思う。 Who this course ...

Best Seller
1600 JPY 自然言語処理とチャットボット: AIによる文章生成と会話エンジン開発

What you'll learn 自然言語処理(NLP)の本質を理解し、コードが書けるようになります。 夏目漱石、宮沢賢治、江戸川乱歩風のテキストの自動生成について学びます。 リカレントニューラルネットワーク(RNN)による自然言語処理を学びます。 ...

100%OFF Advanced Artificial Intelligence in Digital Marketing Bundle

Best Digital Marketing Courses on Udemy Best Digital Marketing Courses on Coursera Best Digital Marketing Courses on Udacity Best Digital Marketing ...

100%OFF Fuzzy Logic and Fuzzy Artificial Intelligence Tutorial

What you'll learn Implement Fuzzy System Understand the Fuzzy logic theoretical Concepts Fuzzy Logic and Fuzzy Expert System Fuzzy ...

Highest Rated
$9.99 Deep Learning for Beginners in Python: Work On 12+ Projects

What you'll learn Complete Understanding of Deep Learning from the Scratch Building the Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) ...

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