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Curso completo de Elasticseach 7: busque, analise e visualize Big Data com Elasticsearch, Kibana, Logstash, & Beats. Orientado por Fernando Amaral,  13 ...

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What you'll learn Create Build and release pipelines on Azure Devops Use YAML and create pipelines for everyday requirements ...

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What you'll learn Azure DevOps and it's fundamentals Azure Boards - Create workitems, stories, create boards , sprints add backlogs ...

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What you'll learn Master the fundamentals of GitLab CI/CD to automate your DevOps workflow and improve code quality Implement multi-stage ...

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Jenkins CI/CD pour DevOps 👨‍🏫 Instruit par Dirane Willy TAFEN 🌐 Provider Udemy 🏷️ Prix ​​bas € 15 Réalisez vos premiers pipelines CICD ...

Google Cloud offers a variety of courses on Coursera, a popular online learning platform, designed to help individuals and businesses harness the power of ...

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