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90%OFF Curso SQL – Consultas en SQL para principiantes + ChatGPT

Lo que aprenderás Adquirirán habilidades para realizar consultas simples en bases de datos, aprendiendo a seleccionar registros específicos de una ...

100%OFF Curso Completo de SQL con SQLite

What you'll learn Al finalizar el curso, los estudiantes serán capaces de explicar los conceptos fundamentales de SQL, incluyendo la estructura ...

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95%OFF SQL para Big Data: Ecossistema Hadoop com Hive e Impala

Best Apache Hive Courses on Udemy Best Database Courses on Udemy What you'll learn Domine técnicas para operar sobre o ecossistema Hadoop com ...

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100%oFF Consultas en SQL para principiantes + ChatGPT

What you'll learn Adquirirán habilidades para realizar consultas simples en bases de datos, aprendiendo a seleccionar registros específicos de una ...

FREE Advanced Databases and SQL Querying

Write complex TSQL queries. Know the different TSQL functionalities that exist Write more efficient TSQL code Who this course is for: ...

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$9.99 The Complete SQL Bootcamp: Go from Zero to Hero

Learn how to use SQL quickly and effectively with this course! Instructed by Jose Portilla 9 hours on-demand video & 13 downloadable resources Free ...

100%OFF Fundamentos de SQL en Oracle para Empresas y Desarrollo

What you'll learn Aprender el Lenguaje SQL usado en Oracle, versiones 18c, 12c y 11g Usar funciones simples y de grupo Usar ...

$9.99 Advanced SQL : The Ultimate Guide

Level Up Your Oracle SQL Knowledge From Intermediate to Advanced and Become an In-Demand Database SQL Expert in Oracle! Instructed by Oracle Master Training ...

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$9.99 Oracle SQL Performance Tuning Masterclass (2023)

Become an Expert on Oracle SQL Tuning and Solve All The Performance Problems of Your SQL Queries and the Database! Instructed by Oracle Master Training 20 ...

Best Seller
$12.99 The Complete Oracle SQL Bootcamp (2023)

Instructed by Oracle Master Training 36 hours on-demand video, 15 coding exercises & 176 articles and downloadable resources Free Online Courses from ...

$9.99 Complete SQL and Databases Bootcamp: Zero to Mastery [2023]

Best Database Courses on Udemy Best Database Courses on Coursera Best Database Courses on Udacity Best Database Courses on FutureLearn Best Database ...

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NT$330 2022網頁開發全攻略(HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, SQL, Node, more)

What you'll learn 學習所有前端後端必要知識與技能,轉職成為工程師 充分使用HTML5、CSS、JavaScript來製作網頁架構與功能,增加網頁使用性與靈活性,寫出運作優良且穩定性高的 JS 程式碼 ...

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