Rahul Arora

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$12.99 Appium – Mobile Testing with Latest 2.0 and Live Projects

What you'll learn By the end of the course you will be as much trained to automate any mobile based Native, Hybrid & Web application using ...

90%OFF Robot Framework – Codeless UI, API and Mobile Automation

What you'll learn Automate complex applications with Zero coding End to end Automation scripts using ROBOT Framework keywords ...

89%OFF Automation Architect – Selenium WebDriver – 7 Live Projects

What you'll learn You should be able to master the Framework designing part and should be able to justify 3+ years of experience in Selenium and ...

95%OFF Selenium WebDriver Training with Java & Many Live Frameworks

Best Selenium WebDriver Courses on Udemy What you'll learn By the End of the course you will be as much trained to automate any web ...

96%OFF Selenium 4.0 LATEST – All New Features & Docker Integration

Best Selenium WebDriver Courses on Udemy What you'll learn All latest features of Selenium 4.0 Migrating from Selenium 3 to 4.0 ...

89%OFF Cypress V5+: UI + API Automation + CUCUMBER + Page Objects

What you'll learn Cypress tool - Automation in-Depth Page Object Model Cucumber JS End to End Automation on different ...

Best Seller
89%OFF Protractor: End to End testing framework for AngularJS Apps

What you'll learn Automate any Angular and non AngularJS websites using Protractor Learn various new locator strategies ...

Best Seller
89%OFF JMETER – Master Performance & Load Testing(Basics + Advance)

What you'll learn do performance testing of any web based application integrate various apis like Selenium, JDBC, SOAP/REST to extend the ...

Hot & New
94%OFF Selenium Python with Behave BDD(Basic + Advance + Architect)

What you'll learn Selenium with Python along with Major Frameworks and live projects Data Driven Framework Page Object Model ...

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94%OFF Webservices API Testing with Rest Assured API & POSTMAN

Detailed topics covered: API Testing basics Difference in SOAP and REST and which one to use Tools available for testing Webservices POSTMAN ...

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