Operating Systems
$9.99 Windows Server 2016 Practical Guide with Advance Features

What you'll learn Installing from a disk or image Using the Desktop Experience How to install hypervisor feature on your computer or server. How ...

100%OFF Active Directory: Domain Controllers, Operations Masters, GC

What you'll learn What is a domain controller? What is a global catalog? What are operations masters? Transferring and ...

100%OFF Curso de Administración Avanzada de Windows

Best Operating System & Server Courses on Udemy Best Operating System & Server Courses on Coursera What you'll learn Opciones de ...

100%OFF Curso Completo de Windows Terminal

Best Operating System & Server Courses on Udemy Best Operating System & Server Courses on Coursera What you'll learn Conocer la interfaz ...

100%OFF Curso Completo de Windows 10

What you'll learn Aprende la historia de Windows, todas sus versiones, y como realizar actualizaciones e instalaciones Aprende los modos ...

100%OFF Curso Completo de Computación [versión Windows]

What you'll learn Aprenderás los conceptos fundamentales de computación. Aprenderás dactilografía y como escribir correctamente con el ...

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95%OFF BASH Programming Course: Master the Linux Command Line!

Best Programming Language Courses on Udemy Best Programming Language Courses on Coursera What you'll learn In Depth understanding of Bash ...

100%OFF Active Directory: Introduction and Administration Tools

What you'll learn Describe OUs and their purpose. Describe AD DS forests and trees and explain how you can deploy them in a network. ...

100%off Active Directory: Implementing and Administering AD FS

What you'll learn Describe AD FS. Explain how to deploy AD FS. Explain how to implement AD FS for a single organization. ...

100%OFF Everything About Kali Linux OS

After completing the course, you will… Kali Linux Kali Linux Operating system Who this course is for: Beginners to Kali Linux

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What you'll learn Uzmanlık Seviyesinde IP Adresleme İşlemleri İkilik ve Onluk Sayı Sistemleriyle Çalışma Kurumsal Bilgisayar ...

100%OFF HACKING de RDP/VPS Como un Profesional

What you'll learn Aprende A Obtener RDP de manera ILIMITADA Aprenda a Crear RDP como un profesional Aprenda las Contramedidas de ...

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