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85%OFF PHP for Beginners – Become a PHP Master – CMS Project

What you'll learn You will learn to create a (CMS) Content Management System like WordPress, Drupal or Joomla You will learn how to use ...

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$9.99 PHP 7 Completo – Curso do Desenvolvedor Web + Projetos

Best PHP Courses on Udemy Best PHP Courses on Coursera Best PHP Courses on LinkedIn Learning What you'll learn Criar uma base sólida em PHP, ...

100%OFF Programación Web desde 0 con PHP 8, Mysql, Laravel y Symfony

What you'll learn Programar en PHP8 desde CERO Pensar como Programador Web Back-End Crear Sitios Web Dinámicos con PHP8 ...

100%OFF Restful API Web Services with PHP and MySQL: Bootcamp

What you'll learn How to build a RESTful web services (API) with plain PHP (no frameworks required) Fundamental Principles of RESTful API ...

100%OFF Crea una librería de juegos con PHP MySQL AJAX y 2 proyectos

What you'll learn Lograrás un mejor nivel como desarrollador y te daré las herramientas para ganar más dinero gracias a esto Aprenderás ...

$9.99 Object Oriented PHP & MVC

Best PHP Courses on Udemy Best PHP Courses on Coursera Best PHP Courses on LinkedIn Learning What you'll learn Build a custom MVC Framework ...

100%OFF Build Your Own Automatic Image Downloader With PHP – 2023

What is included in this course Lectures Resource Covered in this course Setup PHP in your computer system Enabling important PHP extensions ...

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100%OFF APIREST Creación, Consumo y Despliegue en Heroku PHP y MySQL

Best PHP Courses on Udemy Best PHP Courses on Coursera Best PHP Courses on LinkedIn Learning What you'll learn Creación de API REST y consumo ...

100%OFF Test Driven Development with PHP Unit

What you'll learn PHP Developer who want to learn Unit Testing Testers who wanna work with the PHP Unit Framework Webdevelopers ...

100%OFF PHP 8 unchained – start with the new version

What you'll learn Develop Software in PHP 8 New features of PHP Version 8 New Functions of PHP 8 Breaking Changes of PHP ...

100%OFF Sıfırdan İleri Seviyeye PHP Eğitimi

What you'll learn Programlama dillerinin temelleri Anlayarak kod yazma Problem belirleme ve problemin çözümü ...

100%OFF Clean PHP – Código de Calidad y Buenas Prácticas

What you'll learn Buenas Prácticas en PHP Clean Code Principios como SOLID, DRY, KISS, etc Pruebas Unitarias Automáticas ...

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