Quality Assurance
$9.99 Rahul Shetty – Software Testing Course Coupons

Rahul Shetty is a QA instructor with 15 years of experience. He offers courses on Udemy in Selenium, Software Testing (Jira), API Testing, Cypress, Postman, ...

Best Seller
$12.99 MasterClass Software Testing with Jira & Agile -Be a QA Lead

2023 BEST job oriented Software Manual Testing course on real time Project+Interview ques+Resume Prep+ Lifetime Support Instructed by Rahul Shetty 25.5 ...

100%OFF QA: Become a Game Tester

What you'll learn Knowledge about Test Cases, Bug Reports and Checklists Types of game bugs All knowledge to find first job ...

90%OFF Software Testing Masterclass- From Novice to Expert

What you'll learn Learn the core testing skills needed to apply for Software Testing positions in just 7 hours. Be able to demonstrate your ...

Best Seller
90%OFF Practical Software Testing 2023-Manual+JIRA+API+DB+Selenium

What you'll learn Basic to Expert level Python Programming for Automation Automate Realtime Web Application using Selenium and Python ...

100%OFF Professional Agile Software QA Testing (Resume + Interview)

What you'll learn Learn the Fundamentals of Professional Manual QA Testing with Hands-On Exercises & Assignments based on Real World Scenarios ...

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