FREE DevOps on AWS: Code, Build, and Test (Course 1 of 3)

Understand the DevOps philosophies and its lifecycle Explain DevOps cultural philosophies, practices, and tools Implement and manage continuous ...

FREE Amazon Web Services (AWS): CloudFormation

A learner will have basic understanding on AWS CloudFormation to automate Cloud infrastructure deployment related tasks. Learning Outcomes: 1.      ...

100%OFF Alojamiento de Sitio Web en Modo Serverless en Amazon AWS

What you'll learn Registro de dominio y configuración de DNS Configuración de S3 en AWS para alojamiento de sitios web Solicitud y ...

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90%OFF AWS と Terraformで実現するInfrastructure as Code

What you'll learn Terraformを使って AWS リソース(EC2, ELB, CloudFront, ACM, S3 など) を プロビジョニング する方法 Terraform 0.14 の構文(変数、メタ引数、ループと分岐など)、コマンド ...

100%OFF AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate Training

What you'll learn Learn AWS, SysOps Administrator, Associate Level, Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), EC2, Route 53 Service, AWS Concepts, AWS Storage ...

100%OFF AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) for the absolute beginner

What you'll learn Understand AWS Cloud Development Kit ( CDK ) Understand the value add which AWS CDK brings over Infrastructure as Code ...

100%OFF Automate infrastructure in AWS CDK – Building application

What you'll learn What is CDK? Simple demo to see the power of CDK in action Use cases of AWS CDK Building Fibonacci ...

100%OFF AWS Introduction

What you'll learn Introduction to AWS How to sign up for AWS, AWS Free Tier, How to set up AWS budget alert Serverless Computing, ...

FREE AWS Networking and Server building fundamentals -VPC and EC2

Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) including IP CIDR, Subnets, Route Tables and Internet Gateways Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) including ...

FREE Master Amazon DynamoDB and Amazon RDS on AWS

You would be able to create and provision various cloud databases on AWS You could set up and customize Amazon DynamoDB- NoSQL document based database ...

100%OFF Learn AWS Cloud from the Scratch

Best AWS Certification Courses on Udemy Best AWS Certification Courses on Coursera What you'll learn Learn the AWS EC2 Learn the AWS ...

100%OFF Docker + Security + AWS Basics + Jenkins

What you'll learn About Docker and Swarm (Container Technology). You will be learn Docker and Swarm (Container Technology) in details with ...

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