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$12.99 [COVID 19アプリ編] Reactで作るコロナウイルス Live ダッシュボード

What you'll learn React Hooks + TypeScript + Redux Toolkitによるアプリ実装 COVID19(コロナウイルス) 外部APIとReactの連携 Reactでのグラフプロット(Chart ...

Course Overview: In this introductory course, students will learn about the science of SARS-CoV-2 , including the infectious period, the clinical presentation ...

90%OFF Data Science:Hands-on Covid-19 Data Analysis & Visualization

What you'll learn Statistical Data Visualization using Bar graphs and Scatter plots and Bubble charts Geographical Data Visualization using ...

90%OFF Tableau Crash Course: Build and Share a COVID-19 Dashboard

What you'll learn Create a beautifully designed dashboard about the Coronavirus Share your dashboard online for the world to see ...

What you'll learn Learn the basics of Emergency Management from a individual and family perspective Get checklists for how to prepare for ...

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What you'll learn Analytics project applied on COVID 19 data, understanding spread of the virus Data Science best practices from industry ...

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What you'll learn How to control and prevent the spread of infectious disease Understanding how infectious germs spread ...

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What you'll learn Dealing with self-isolation. Tap away anxiety and worries. EFT during a financial crisis. Concerns ...

90%OFF Essential COVID-19 Guide! How to Protect Yourself and Others

What you'll learn Learn how to stay safe at all times (at home, outside, and at work) Learn about the new vaccines, their efficacy and ...

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90%OFF Strengthen Immunity by Improving Digestion with Ayurveda

What you'll learn The importance of Healthy Digestion in building a Strong Immune System. Natural ways to stay strong against ...


What you'll learn Awareness and detailed knowledge till today about SARS COV-2, COVID 19 disease, Various diagnostic tools used by different ...

90%OFF COVID-19: Psychological First Aid Training Course

What you'll learn Being knowledgeable about COVID-19 and it's Psychological First Aid Being familiar with Psychological Consequences for ...

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