Data Analysis
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What you'll learn 資料分析 資料視覺化 Python 程式語言  Who this course is for: 初入資料分析領域的新鮮人 想理解資料科學方法與應用情境的專業人士 ...

Highest Rated

What you'll learn Come utilizzare la libreria di Python piu' famosa per la Data Analisi Diventare esperto nel manipolare datasets complessi ...

75%OFF Data Analysis and Visualization with Power BI

After completing the course, you will… Create an efficient data model Understanding of core data modeling principles Organize and structure data in ...

100%OFF Practical MySQL for Data Analysis

After completing the course, you will… Why SQL is important for Data Analysis How to analyse data with SQL Which are the most common ...

100%OFF Data Analysis con SQL y Tableau

After completing the course, you will… Crear consultas con funciones de agregación y fecha Crea consultas complejas para extraer información ...


What you'll learn Identify suitable R libraries for data exploration Create suitable data visualizations Learn the succession of ...

95%OFF Tableau Desktop for Data Analysis & Data Visualization

What you'll learn Build professional-quality reports & dashboards with Tableau Desktop Transform raw data into beautiful ...

FREE Analytics for Decision Making Specialization

What you will learn from the Analytics for Decision Making Specialization Understand the concepts, processes, and applications of predictive modeling. ...

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