Muhammad Moin
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89%OFF Learn LangChain: Build #22 LLM Apps using OpenAI & Llama 2

Build Real World LLM powered applications with LangChain, OpenAI, Llama2, Hugging Face. Create Web Apps with Streamlit. Instructed by Muhammad Moin 15 hours ...

89%OFF YOLO-NAS, OpenAI, SAM with WebApps using Flask and Streamlit

YOLO-NAS, Train Custom Dataset, Object Detection, Segmentation, Object Tracking, Real World 16+ Projects & Web Apps Instructed by Muhammad Moin 18 hours ...

89%OFF YOLO-NAS The Ultimate Course for Object Detection & Tracking

YOLO-NAS, Train Custom Dataset, Object Detection, Segmentation, Tracking, Real World 12+ Projects, Streamlit Apps Instructed by Muhammad Moin 13.5 hours ...

89%OFF YOLOv8: Object Detection, Tracking & Web App in Python 2024

YOLOv8, Train Custom Dataset, Object Detection, Segmentation, Tracking, Real World 17 + Projects & Web Apps in Python Instructed by Muhammad Moin 12 hours ...

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89%OFF YOLOv7 YOLOv8 YOLO-NAS: Object Detection, Tracking & WebApp

Object Detection, Segmentation, Tracking, Pose Estimation, Web App Development, Real World 22 + projects with Web Apps Instructed by Muhammad Moin 19 hours ...

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